Fish Talk

Aquatic Insect Aquarium Update & Filling Up My Fly Box

PMDs Are Hatching

My tank has been running well despite the temperatures fluctuating a bit. A few bugs caddis, mayflies, and midges have hatched in addition to a growing population of snails and worms. A rare sighting that I observed the other day was a sowbug crawling around in the tank. Every time I take a look at the tank I learn something new.

More PMDs

Although I have seen adult insects hanging out on the side of the tank, I have not been able to observe an emergence. I’ve found shucks of caddis flies and adults fluttering around in my room but I haven’t found any larvae in the pupate stage. There was a fat green caddis that just went missing one day and a few days later an adult emerged. The larvae must have crawled to the bottom to pupate and then emerged when it was ready to hatch. I just recently purchased Gary LaFontaines famous book “Caddisflies” and will be piecing more of the puzzle together once I learn more.

PMDs have been the primary hatch with a few BWOs. The PMD temperature hatch seems to be around the lower 70°F mark. Most of the PMDs I’ve collected seem to be around the size 12ish.

NZ Mudsnails Invasion

There has been a boom in my snail and leech population. Both native snails and invasive NZ mud snails have started to populate my tank. I’ve stopped siphon cleaning the tank in efforts to not further spread the invasive snails. I am curious to see the effects of the spread and will eventually kill the tank once I decide to end the project.
The leeches like to “snake” around the glass of the tank. I’m not entirely sure what they like to eat but they are cool to watch.

I’ve been working on filling up my fly box because oddly enough I’ve never had a full box of trout patterns that I have confidence in. There is still space in my “working fly box” so more tying fun time. I’m planning on restocking my materials and upgrading my vise soon so hopefully that will make tying more productive and fun.

Nymphs & Attractors
Dries & Emergers
Fish Talk

My Aquatic Insect Aquarium Set-Up

Here are my specs for how to set up my aquatic insect aquarium:
I bought all my equipment from Petsmart.

Top Fin 5.5 Gallon Aquarium Starter Kit

This aquarium comes with a filter, hood, LED hoodlight, and tape temperature thermometer. This starter kit is a very nice set-up but I don’t they they sell them anymore.

A smaller aquarium helps make managing the temperature a bit easier and it takes up less space.
I am currently using tape to hold up the LED because I got rid of the hood. Getting rid of the hood helps keep the temperature lower due higher evaporation levels.I’ve taken out the filter sponge so that if a bugs gets sucked into the filter they won’t get stuck.

Top Fin Power Head Pump
The power head helps circulate the water and replicates a fast moving stream. Both the caddis and the mayflies seem to congregation at the head of the pump which tells me they like it.

Tip Fin Aquarium Fine Bubble Air Stone
The airstone helps generate extra oxygen for the tank. To try to get the best effect, I place my airstone across the tank. The bugs, especially the mayflies, like to hang around this as well.
*You need to buy an aquarium pump and airline tubing in order to run an air stone.

Aquarium Decorations
A tank full of rocks isn’t very fun to look at. Add a few plastic plants and some driftwood to your aquarium to make it more aesthetically pleasing. Using sticks and other objects from the stream you collected your insects is also a great idea.

Other Essentials
-Tapwater conditioner
-Algae or fish food
-Gravel Vacuum
-Air Pump and tubing (If you want to use an air stone)
-Day/Night Timer (I use a Zoo Med ReptiCare Timer, they are fantastic)

Extra information about starting an aquarium and aquatic insects.
Cycling a new aquarium
Bug Aquarium Information
Species Identification

  • I try to keep the water temperature as low as I can by throwing in a frozen water bottle in the tank from time to time. As long as the water is below room temperature (75° F) you’ll be fine.
  • I like to change about 20% of the water out each week just to be it safe.
  • Not having a hood risks the chance of bugs flying around the house, therefore you will need a cat, frog, bird, spider, or lizard to keep the bugs away from the old lady. Or you can buy a mesh hood.
  • I like to leave the aquarium half full for a waterfall effect which adds both oxygen and movement. This set-up is pretty loud but if you like the sound of water it’s quite nice. If you don’t do loud noises then adding more water will make the tank quieter. The pumps aren’t too loud but are noticeable.
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