Feather River

First Feather River Below Hatchery Visit of 2015

Apparently there was some spawning bed work near the hatchery last year and I wanted to check it out and try my luck. There has been improvement on spawning habitat below the hatchery outlet to the end of the long run with new holding holes and shallow gravel beds for spawning fish. During my visit is was almost like learning a new section of the river again. The new contours will put the fish in different places.

It was an overcasted Tuesday morning and there were lots of bugs out. I didn’t get there early but as the day progressed more and more anglers started to show up. It went from about two including me to at least eight anglers. The flow was higher than it usually was, enough to flush out the small stuff, and I didn’t see a single salmon fry while I was there. I did see three or four steelhead jump but they weren’t taking anyone’s flies. I also witness one guy hook up only to lose it within a second.
The fish are there but they are under so much pressure that even on a day where the conditions are perfect they won’t bite. I swung flies most of the day and nymphed a little to try to figure the puzzle out but in the end nothing worked.

This section usually produces but with the high pressure, spawning bed construction, and drought conditions, I don’t think the fishing will get better anytime soon. Last years run wasn’t the best steelhead or salmon run either so that doesn’t help.
There are always steelhead in the Feather River so I’m sure if I look I’ll be able to find a few that are willing to play.

There was also some bum that wanted a dollar from me. After I told him I didn’t have any, he waited probably an hour in his car for me to come back up to ask me again. I was packing up to head out and now he is asking for two dollars. I told him I don’t carry cash then he drove off.
If I don’t want to give you a dollar what makes you think I’m going to give you two dollars?
Don’t ask Asians for money for you will get nothing. Stay classy Oroville.

Sacramento River, Trinity River

The Winter Steelhead

I’ve been fishing the Sacramento River and today I was at the Trinity both swinging bright and big winter patterns. So far nothing has been producing. I could have always beaten the skunk with a nymph but I already know how to nymph. I could have gone to the Feather or North Fork but I already know how to fish those two places. There is so much to learn and discover.

Sacramento River
As the title suggested I have been
gambling my odds for a nice winter steelhead. Winter steelhead are big
adults that are in the river for only a few weeks to spawn and then they
head back out to the sea. I’ve been getting nibbles on my fly but no
takes probably just small fry. I’ve been fishing near the Big Chico Creek mouth for tributary steelhead so far no luck. I will need to try and check out other
accesses to the Sacramento River towards the Red Bluff and Redding area.
I’ve heard the further upstream you go the better fishing it is for
trout and steelhead.

Trinity River
I’m going to put this river on hold for a while. Its a pretty frustrating place to fish. There is a lot of water and a lot of turnout access making it easy to find yourself fishing someone’s leftovers. There’s nothing wrong with leftovers but being the first one will give you way better odds.
Part of my frustration was probably the fact that I was swinging winter patterns the whole day. I just wanted my line to go tight and feel that fish rip the line out of my reel. After doing a little bit of research I found that swinging winter patterns aren’t too popular this time of the year. The Trinity is more of a summer/fall swinging river. Oh well, I guess it was good practice and a gamble. I saw a few people get into some fish though.

With all that said and done I’ve gotten a hell of a lot better at casting my switch rod. I have improved from 30-40ft casts to about 50-60ft. Feels totally bad ass. I can’t even imagine how far that would be on a Skagit head maybe 80-90ft? Now if only I could hook a fish on a swing…

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