Big Chico Creek, Meadow Valley Creek

Summer Visit To BCC & Meadow Valley Creek

Big Chico Creek All To Myself

This weekend the missus and I spent the weekend with her parents in Quincy. Along the way we stopped in Chico for her haircut and some smallmouth fishing. With all the water flowing throughout the state’s tributaries this summer the fishing has been on point.

If there is anything I miss about Chico it’s wading and fishing BCC in the summer. BCC is an excellent smallmouth fishery despite the heavy traffic from the locals, college students, and visitors.

Friday is a tough day to fish. I expected many of my holes to be filled with splashing children and alcohol sipping adults. I was pleasantly pleased when I found all my spots quiet and eagerly awaiting me.
I had just ordered a few bass poppers from The Feather Merchants and wanted to test them to see if they worked. The hook on the most well-known popper I purchased didn’t feel very sharp so I tested that one first. To my surprise I was catching fish left and right.


Smallmouth are Great Fighters
Fish of the Day

I fished for about two hours and caught over twenty bass. A nice overcast kept the fishing good all afternoon. I do miss them summer days in Chico….

Beautiful Small Stream

Meadow Valley Creek
On Saturday the missus, her parents, and I visited a small tributary of Spanish Creek called Meadow Valley Creek. Although her dad was a bit worried that I wasn’t going to find any fish, I was confident that I was going to catch something

Fish The Fishy Spots

Off the beaten path and right next to a small campground meandered Meadow Valley Creek. The creek was very small and called for small stream tactics. Laying low, minimizing casts, and throwing small flies.
Once I set up my 2WT I took a few steps and crouched myself next to a fishy spot by the creek. A few casts in and…. tada a fish flop. I quick-released a lot more fish than I landed this visit but overall a fun trip.

And Catch Tiny Trout
Yuba River

Changes Coming & Yuba River Check Up

Hammon Grove

I’m currently working on a new feel for the blog. It’s going to be a lot more earthy. I’m looking forward to revealing it soon.

The Yuba has been lowered to 1600ish CFS which is a big difference from 2,200 CFS. The river isn’t quite crossable yet but wadeable. I had a hard time finding fish this visit. The big flows evened out a lot of river so good holes are almost nonexistent. The hours of hiking and fishing the Yuba yielded a nice little Yuba bow on a FMM nymph in the morning and a gnarly big bow on a Hero Sculpin that I lost.

Pretty Parred Yuba Bow

Once the Yuba hits 1200 CFS it’ll be prime-time for river crossing and streamer fishing. As of right now it’s tough out there but if you want to check out the new look of the Yuba these flows are a good preview.

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