Fish Talk

Proposed Changes To California Inland Trout Regulations

California is home to some of the nation’s best trout waters. Not only do we have natural runs of anadromous fish such as steelhead and king salmon, we also have several of subspecies of rainbow trout and two species of cutthroat trout. All of these trout and salmon species are in decline and special regulations have been put in place so that anglers of all ages can continue to enjoy catching and keeping their fair limit of fish.
The proposed changes to California’s inland trout regulations are meant to simplify some of the confusing regulations that are currently in place in regards to open season, take, and method of take while protecting anadromous and heritage fish.

The census to the proposed changes is to transform many current regulated trout waters that aren’t anadromous or heritage trout waters into a general five limit no gear restriction waters.

It’s obvious that there are many things wrong with this proposal but after a bit of overview I found that there are also a few good changes as well.

Past Me Keeping Way More Fish Than I’d Ever Need

Let’s start with the bad:

1. Overharvesting

  • A five trout limit is absolutely ridiculous. Trout are some of the most desirable fish to keep and if anglers are keeping five with a ten possession limit both wild and stocked fish are going to rapidly disappear from our rivers and streams.
  • With no size limit anglers will be keeping many trophy-sized fish. This will in time create a fishery with smaller fish due to lack of genetic diversity. Big fish make big fish.

2. Overfishing

  • Both overfishing and overharvesting go hand in hand. With an easy five limit and ten in possession who isn’t going to go out of there way to go fishing.
  • With more anglers and no gear restrictions many water systems are going to be littered with trashed. Empty bait containers, fishing line, and plastic bags will start becoming a common sight on waters that have never seen so much fishing pressure before.

3. Creating Worse Anglers

  • Educating anglers, especially younger ones, on why there is a limit, size restriction, and artificial or barbless only regulation in certain waters is important. It teaches conservation of finite resources. Not every trout water is going to produce a 18” trout and here is why and why we aren’t allowed to keep any.
  • The proposed regulations teaches anglers not to read the regulations. Anglers are going to think that many if not all trout waters were changed to the general five take no gear restriction regulation. It is essentially a cookie cutter regulation.
  • The proposed regulations are impossible to enforce. Not that the current regulations are easily enforced but with an influx of anglers and limited wardens there will be less enforcement.

There are a few benefits of this proposal:

1. Focus On Important Watersheds and Anadromous Waters

  • With less resources spread out DFW can focus on projects involving the currently declining heritage trout, steelhead, and salmon population.

2. Changes In Certain Watersheds

  • There are a few watersheds that will change to open all year around with either no limit or a limit of two. This will allow anglers to visit and fish their favorite place all year.

3. Easier Regulations

  • The proposed regulation will make it easier the regulations easier to understand but doesn’t solve the issue of confusing regulations.

What are your thoughts about the proposed changes? Overall I think they are terrible and I hope they are not implemented. I have already sent my concerns via the DFW comment section. Please help protect our fisheries and sent your concerns as well.

Here is the link to the DFG comment section for the proposed regulation changes.

Truckee River

Finding Chunks During High Truckee Flows

The Truckee River is currently in it’s run-off stage with high flows near 1,300CFS. Despite raging waters and limited access the Truckee is known to produce big fish in times of big flows. With an upcoming storm front and no viable fishing options in the valley I decided to test my luck and discover the truth about the Big Truckee during high flows.

High Truckee Flows

The Truckee is beginning to wake up after a long snow-packed winter. It was a beautiful overcasted day that was relatively warm. The birds where chirping, the snow was melting, and there were quite a few people out enjoying the weather.

The river was definitely looking high but interestingly enough not unfishable. The water was swift, frigid cold, and had a slight clear blue tint to it. I knew that in order to be successful I had to find some fish to get an idea of what kind of water they were holding in.

Snow Sunken Trees

I bushwhacked my way through the snow covered trees to get to the river but found it difficult to fish around the trees without getting snagged. As I made my way downstream I was able to spot a few bright rainbow trout holding in what was essentially a small nook behind some sunken tree branches. They were super close to the bank and spooked as soon as they saw me but at least I knew what kind of water I was looking for.

Once I made my way to some clearer access points with less sunken trees I started to have better luck. I lost the first two fish I hooked but afterwards landed the most fish I had ever caught on the Truckee through the next several hours. All my fish were on a rubberlegs stonefly pattern either high-sticked right off the bank or on an indicator through slower slots of water.
I covered about two miles worth of water and was well rewarded. All the fish I caught were healthy chunky fish.

Nice Truckee Brown

I’m astonished on how well the Truckee River fishes during such high flows. I am now a true high flow believer.

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