Feather River, One Mile Pond

Is It Prime Time?

I recently fished the Feather River for steelhead and didn’t have much luck despite waking up at 5am and being the first on the river.

There is quite a bit of pressure throughout the river with salmon fishing still open until the 15th and “prime-time” steelheading throughout the low flow. I talked to the other anglers that were out and they said they weren’t doing too well either. The weather has also made it difficult with temperatures in the 90s and high sun no clouds at around 10:00. And I thought summer was over…
I didn’t get skunked because of the pike minnows but I didn’t get any steelhead.

The salmon are pairing up and scrapping redds throughout the low flow. The event is pretty amazing to watch and wade through because you can get extremely close to them and observe as they chase each other up and down all day. Watch your step though! To conserve the fishery, anglers must respect the salmon and do the best we can to try and not interfere with their ritual of spawning.

I later explored One Mile Pond/Vance Pond and found it a pretty neat place. A lot of bluegills and bass inhabit the pond. There are also a lot of weed beds that would make it a great place to throw frogs. I’ll have to try it someday. The only thing I don’t like about the pond is the traffic around it. The Oroville Wildlife Refuge road is usually seldomly driven on which means you’ll probably see less than two vehicles the entire time especially on a weekdays. I must have seen like 6-8 vehicles pass while I was fishing. It made me wonder where everyone was going. A lot of the drivers didn’t look like anglers to me. Not a very safe place to leave your car and go too far in my opinion not with all the hooligans out there in Oroville.

Sorry, but the steelhead are in an another run.

Feather River

With Rain Come Chrome

Literally the 2nd cast

For some reason I decided it was a good idea to fish during the first rain of the fall. I didn’t get anything but a pair wet waders and jacket. Lesson learned. The rain is like shuffling a deck of cards for steelhead. Rainy weather is like shuffling a deck of cards, the steelhead are moving around throughout the system and you’d be lucky if you found one. Once the rain has passed the shuffling is over. Game on.

Feather River
Steelhead fishing is still tough with sunny conditions. The morning is the only time of the day I am able to hook any fish. Once that sun hits the 10 o clock mark the fish are down. I was lucky enough to get a productive run early in the morning and manage to hook two 18”ish steelhead and one small native within five casts. Amazing! I am either very good at steelheading or lucky as hell. I was hoping the rest of the day was going to be the same but three thousand casts later it was not. I did manage to land a nice half-pounder on my midge pattern though.

4th cast steelhead

More anglers are going to start hitting the river for steelhead now. Salmon season is ending soon and the high-flow will be more steelhead-friendly hopefully opening up more space on the river for everyone. The salmon are starting to dig redds and pair up so the egg bite has pretty much begun. My fingers are crossed for that trophy 10 pounder this fall. I can only hope.

Half-pounder here
1 152 153 154 155 156 168