Muir Beach

Muir Beach Day

Fall is suppose to be one of the most difficult times of the year to fish the Northern California surf. Structures that were carved out along the surf from spring and winter storms have been filled in leaving flat surf where few fish trend. Curious about what this phenomenon looks like I set out with the missus to Muir Beach to explore and fish the beach.

Simple Shrimp Getting It Done Again

We rolled in halfway through an incoming tide which was fishing. The beach was pretty flat but the fish were coming up and feeding. I caught three surf perch that took my Simple Shrimp before the peak of the high tide; after that it was pretty much a bust. Muir Beach comes in as one of the smaller beaches I’ve fished but it’s a nice one. I’ve heard that the crabbing on Muir Beach is good especially on the northern end so once I’ve got the gear and technique for that I may give that a try.

Fun In The Sun
Truckee River

Getting To Know The Truckee River Pt. 2

The canyon section of the Truckee River is suppose to be one of the best spots on the river. I’ve scouted this section before but I’ve never took the time to fully explore it. My findings were a bit disappointing mostly due to the fact that the river was absolutely crowded on the weekend of my visit.

Below Rail Bridge

I fished the deep canyon below Hirschdale to the railroad bridge about halfway to Floriston. Most of the fish I caught were small rainbows in addition to one decent brown that I lost. The river had more anglers in it than fish.
After lunch I tried the Boca Bridge section which was also quite crowded. I didn’t catch anything in this section and gave up after covering a few hundred yards of river.

The next time I head up that way I plan on fishing Martis Lake instead of the Truckee. Even if I don’t hook a fish at Martis at least it’ll be a nice angler-less day on the lake.
Jon Baiocchi has an excellent article on fly fishing the Truckee River that definitely makes you want to keep fishing it despite the crowds.

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