Putah Creek

Round Two At Putah Creek

High Flows At Putah Creek

When it was discovered that trout in Putah Creek were able to spawn successfully, a campaign was launched by local agencies, guides, and anglers to protect these wild self-sustaining fish. In 2010, Putah Creek was officially designated as a catch-and-release fishery and only barbless artificials can be used. Putah Creek remains the only wild and scenic fishery west of valley. Prior to these new regulations, the creek was once stocked with hatchery rainbows and brown trout.

The rainbow trout in Putah Creek are a bit of an anomaly because they can grow to huge sizes despite living in a 4.5 mile stretch. Many have theorized that these big rainbows are the genetic cross between steelhead trout and ancient coastal cutthroat trout that hybridize a long time ago. But who knows?
This trip was my second attempt in trying to catch a Putah Creek native.

The number one reason why anglers ignore Putah Creek until fall is because of the flows. From about April/May to September the flows stay around 500-600 CFS which is very high. Ideally the flows that you want to fish are below 250 CFS. Today I fished 480 CFS flows which was fishable but still high.

A few weeks ago there was a huge fire, named the Wragg Fire, that set the Putah Creek Wildlife Area blazing. The Wragg Fire burned thousands of acres and was one of the most destructive fires of this year. Unfortunately Putah Creek was also caught in the fire leaving access 5 and 4 burnt out and access 3, 2, and 1 in poor condition. The majority of the creek opposite to HWY 131 (Solano County) was scorched during the fire. The outcome of the Wragg Fire may possibly create future issues for the creek in the form of sediment accumulation and erosion. In my mind I figured it would probably better to fish it now rather than later.

Burnt Black Hills

Putah Creek is truly a puta to fly fish. There were very few access points at these flows and wading was difficult due to high water. There is literally no room to backcast without getting snagged on Putah Creek, therefore knowledge and skill of roll casting, snap-t’s, and double speys will save you the frustration of undoing a snag. The fish are also known to be very finicky eating very small size 18-22 nymphs. The trout per mile at Putah feels moderate making them somewhat difficult to find.

Access 3 Pool

The only flies I planned on throwing into Putah this trip were streamers. When I arrived at the creek, I fished it hard, throwing my pattern into every nook and cranky I could cast to. Throughout the afternoon I had three follows and one attempt. Nothing landed yet. My hopes of ever holding a Putah Creek bow was slowly starting to fade away. But I kept calm and fished on.

My luck finally came through when I hooked my first fish and it’s a big one! I played the fish carefully as it made a big jump and ran downstream a few times. After a few minutes of play, I had finally landed my first Putah Creek rainbow. A big dark beauty!

First Putah Creek Bow

As the sun started to go down, I had some hopes of catching a few more fish but it didn’t happen. There were a few smaller trout that were rising for size 24 midges but nothing big. Overall, this trip was totally worth the hour drive. Now that I live a bit closer to the creek, I am looking forward to mastering it.

A lot of information about the creek isn’t updated. But to all of you who didn’t already know, the parking access is free. No $4 fee is required anymore.

Feather River

Fly Fishing the Feather At Shanghai Bend

Shanghai Bend Rapids

Shanghai Bend is a well-known access to the Lower Feather River in Yuba City. This area was once known to have had several beautiful wide waterfalls that were form from clay deposits. However in 2012, heavy floods caused the falls to collapsed and in effect reshaped the falls into a narrow rapid. The fishing remains good despite the collapse and crowds of anglers continue to visit Shanghai Bend during the peak of the striper, shad, and salmon run.

This was my first fly fishing visit to Shanghai Bend. After scouting the area a few months back, I  found that the river had an abundant amount of bushes and trees that would make backcasting difficult to perform. My switch rod would be the best choice to fish section of the Feather. After finishing my errands for the day, I packed my switch rod and drove to the Shanghai Bend access which was only five minutes away from my apartment.

Shanghai Bend Parking Lot

This section of the Feather is more seasonal as fishing varies from which anadramous fish is in the system. In the spring from March to June the stripers are in town eating everything in sight. In early summer from May to July the shad run is hot and a lot of fun. And in late summer to fall the salmon followed by the steelhead make their run up the river to spawn. From my visit, I found that nothing was really in season right now although there were a lot of spotted and smallmouth bass that were easy to find and catch on a fly.

Rapid Smallie

My day started fishing above the falls where there was a big pool before the tailout. Although the water was warm, I had some hopes of hooking into a salmon this visit. It didn’t happen but I did manage to hook into a nice 4# spotted bass after dicking around in the water for small fish.

Watch Your Step!

After two takes with no hook ups, I found an odd looking fish that I’ve never caught before. The fish looked like a bluegill but it had a crappie coloration. Some kind of perch? I dropped my switch rod to the side and tied some tippet to the end of my wading staff. While attempting to catch these small disc shaped fish, a gang of huge spotted bass showed up. These big fish could clearly see me so my hopes of hooking into one was probably pretty low but hey what the heck? I grabbed my switch rod and threw my fly into the water. They weren’t interested in chasing my streamer but once it hit the bottom they were on it. I watched as my streamer was inspected and finally sampled. I set the hook! Perfect timing!

Fat Spotted Bass

After hooking into the biggest spotted bass I’ve ever caught, I started fishing downstream. First the falls then the run that it flowed into. I managed to hook a nice size smallmouth at the falls and a few small spotted bass in the run.

Little Spotted Bass

Overall a productive day. This section of the Feather in the Yuba City area definitely seems like the spot to be in terms of fishing. I will be returning soon to Shanghai Bend to micro tenkara fish it in hopes of catching my first perch.

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